Abusexual is an asexual micro-label.

Definition: a sexuality that formed out of non-physical sexual trauma

Example: A young man who, after being stalked/sexually harassed by an ex, feels that he is now asexual.

An image of 5 horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colours are black, grey, teal, white, and purple.

The flag consists of 5 horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colours are: black, grey, teal, white, purple.These colours have meaning.Black represents asexuality.
Grey represents grey-asexuality (infrequent and/or conditional sexuality)
Teal represents sexual trauma survivors.
White represents allosexuality (a presence of sexuality)
Purple represents the asexual community. This community formed out of a desperate desire to survive.

This label can be considered a caed(o)sexual subcategory, but it is its own label.

The creator of this label made it because they didn't feel as if they had the proper experience with sexual trauma to use the term caed(o)sexual. They felt that their trauma did not fill the criteria for being "true" sexual trauma and so felt that they should not use the term caed(o)sexual.